You most recently may have seen pony beads in bracelets being traded at concerts and festivals. What are pony beads and what type of crafts are they used for? We've got the answers below.
Pony beads drum shaped beads. The most common pony bead size is 6x9mm. They also come in mini size, which are about 4x7mm. Pony beads are a simple, timeless bead that people use for craft projects like making bracelets, weaving bead banners and suncatchers. Pony beads are perfect for all types of beading and jewelry projects as well as arts & craft projects.
For the most part, pony and seed beads refer to two different types of beads. Pony beads are most commonly made of plastic and sometimes also called crow beads. Seed beads are made from glass and much smaller than pony beads. Large seed beads could be considered pony beads, but in today's stores, if you are looking for plastic beads that are drum shaped, they are mainly called pony beads. Pony beads made of glass can also be called crow beads. Seed beads sizes are a bit different - they are called 6/0, 8/0, 10/0, etc. The first number refers the number of beads that fit in an inch. For example, 6/0 means when you string six beads together, they will measure about an inch long.
Both pony beads and seed beads are used for making jewelry like bracelets, earrings and necklaces. Both types of beads are also used for weaving. The benefit of pony beads is that their large size make it easier to complete larger projects. Pony beads also have holes that can fit a large variety of cording like leather, elastic, and paracord. Seed beads, because of their very small size have much very small holes and can only be used with thinner string and cord. The small size of seed beads make them suitable for making fringe, decorating clothing, and weaving intricate patterns.
Pony beads can be strung on elastic cording, Stretch Magic stretch cord, plastic S'getti cord, hemp cord, leather, suede, gossamer stretch cord, flexible beading wire, and monofilament.
Pony beads are a versatile and popular choice for all kinds of creative projects. They are popular for creating colorful bracelets, necklaces, and keychains. You are not limited to jewelry though - string them together to make decorative banners, hair braids, or even suncatchers!
The beauty of pony beads is their classic, timeless shape. Their larger size, typically 6mm x 9mm and large holes make them perfect for little hands to grab and string onto various materials. This makes them ideal for children's crafts, school projects, and fun activities at parties or camps. You can find pony beads in individual colors to create specific designs, or in pre-mixed packs offering a vibrant range to spark your imagination!